Monday, August 24, 2009

Back To School.

Today was our first day of school. It went very smoothly with eager, willing to learn kiddos. Since the husband is still working second shift, our day was just a little interrupted, but nothing major. He is worth the sacrifice....most of the time, hehe.

It will take us a week or so to get our schedule ironed out the way we like it, and I am ok with that....really, I am. The first day is always just a little quirky, but we managed to do a really cool science experiment that was extremely informative about the formation and destruction of molecular bonds. David was really intrigued, which is always good. It looks like he is going to be a big science nerd like me!

We drove to Texarkana tonight for two meetings:
  • David's Toastmaster Club meeting (Youth leadership/public speaking group)
  • My homeschool meeting

It was a great time! There was a guest speaker at my meeting that discussed teaching children with various learning disabilities....very informative. It's always nice to hear different teaching methods for all types of kids.

They had an art program there also to keep the little ones even Braydon had a pleasant experience.

David was named, "Vice President of Public Relations" in his club, so he is just ecstatic about that. He is all pumped up about trying this new adventure. I am glad that he is looking forward to doing something different.

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