Wednesday, May 20, 2009

End Of The School Year Is Near!!

After this week and three days next week, our school year will have come to a highly anticipated end! It has been a great year and went way beyond my expectations. Homeschooling is COOL!

David finished a lot of his curriculum way early, so we have just been doing some supplementation stuff...which he is ok with, but would rather just leave that spot in our schedule open...go figure.

He still has to do Math and Spanish during the summer to keep it fresh in his mind, but we do that every summer....except for the Spanish (that one is new this summer).

I went to the homeschool convention last week and figured out what we will be doing next year and David is very excited to try some new methods of learning! Braydon will be starting preschool officially and that will take some patience from both of us! Just another adventure for us. In conclusion, I am glad that we tried homeschooling this year. It has brought David back up to where he should be academically.

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